"Take a backseat, hitchhike,
and take a long ride on my motorbike"
-Queen - Crazy Little Thing Called Love
I Lovee that song. I love Queen to be honest. I used to just be kinda like, meh, whatever about them but now I really like them. Freddie Mercury, hero. End of. That song, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, always puts me in a super mood. I have it on repeat, yes I am that much of a sap. It's a toe-tapper. Haha. That's an under-used phrase nowadays. Only when a song is super awesomely good do people use it, even if then.
Speaking of good music, recently was at a Downhill gig there two weeks ago, their support were a very acoutic JHAH, Scuba Dice and the ever-awesome The Upgrades, I'm totally loving Scuba Dice right now. Someone go Google them please. They're crazy good. Gigging during midterm I heard too, anyone wanna buy me a ticket cause they love me? Totally not scrounging for money/tickets... *shifty eyes*
Thi post is way overdue, Just been busy peeps sorry, I know you don't really care so ah well, it's nice to pretend sometimes.
Aren't Dandelions pretty? I know they're classed as weeds but sure, for memories sake, or whatever, lets call them actual flowers. Remember when you were a kid and you'd run through the garden or some over grown lawn or the bushes near the playground or something, and even if they was just on little danelion, you'd pick it, take a deep breath and hope your wish of becoming a princess like the one's from the Disney fairytales would come true? [obviously that part is directed at the firls], as for the guys well... You's either wished for another Action Man, To be a soldier [ah bless the young innocence], or to be King of the World. Now if I see a dandelion, I'd pick it, deep breath and gently exhale and see how many will float away and land among the grass. I think they're cute little things. To me they aren't weeds. They're a reminder of innocence, of how the only thing we used to wish for was to be a princess. Life was so simple.
So we're reading The Kite Runner right now in English class. I wasn't crazy about it to begin with, but yeah, now I'm hooked, I'm so tempted to read ahead but I did that with Pride and Predjuduce in 3rd year and it completely ruined the book for me so, I'm not going to do that with this. It's really, luring, if thats the right word, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel once I'm reading it, alone obviously, I hate reading with interruptions, that it just slowly pulls at your mind, the author, whose name I simply cannot spell, is amazing at descriptive writing. Not so much a book for the youger ones. This book is amazing. Anyone who hasnt read it, feel free. You will not put it down.
Madina Lake have released tour dates across Europe, if anyone knows the date for Dublin, or if their even doing on, feel free to let me know on twitter, link is as always up in the first info box under the picture of the pretty girl.
Click the link at @reply me if you know. Thank you.
I'm not so tired anymore, been getting more sleep, Monday though I was wrecked, the weekend caught up with me I guess. *yawn* Avioded drama today, just got what I tohught would turn bad out of the way, made my day even better.
Been watching Glee? O.M.G I knew it would turn into a teenage pregnancy, to "relate to todays issues" and a fake histerical pregnancy, wow. I love how shows these days are filled with liars. Haha. Liars never win.
I have Ugly Betty recorded downstairs, t'will make for some good viewing tomorrow. Yaay. Skins is also back. Reality TV nut? Maybe, only maybe... I don't watch Gossip Girl or 90210 though... Hmm...
Getting the Swine Flu jab tomorrow. *sad face* I don't like needles, not blood tests, injections, nothing, nothing that'll hurt my skin. Dude, like seriously. Ew.
Uhm, so yeah that's the most important updates on my life I can give right now...Fun fun. I'm so exciting eh? [sarcasm intended in that btw]
Life is good right now.
Birthday mention to Diarmuid. Happy Buurrffday dude. xD
Oh yeah I have a formspring. You can ask me anytihng totally anonymously, funny questions so far. It's just for fun so chill the buck out and don't be getting mean cause it makes you look silly. Asking me why I'm a poser? Wow. Really? You're proably more of a poser than I am so shush.
Click here to ask me anything.
Total and utter fail if you don't.
Just say how you got the link, like from Facebook, Twitter or here.. mmk? Thanks.
Nothing else to say really.
Apologies for any typo's my key board is stupid.
Georgia .x.
Labels: flowers, Music, The Kite Runner
From the top... || 5:48 PM
Date : Wednesday, January 20, 2010
"Then I fall apart inside.
All of my thoughts collide"
-Madina Lake - Welcome to Oblivion
Are teachers meant to make our lives miserable? Grr. I hate a certain teacher in my school. Threatening me with discipline sheets and letters home via post so I can't stop her. Ugh. She's bitch. I hate her so much. I'm sorry if I don't want to participate in class because of a group of judgemental bitchy girls who I know will have a lovely chat about me afterwards. They tells us to take part is to build confidence? Eh I'm sorry, if you know me you'll know that I have sub-zero, if not less than that, confidence levels so if you don't mind I'd rather not participate in that class to avoid total humiliation. I hate school right now, it's just a sea of people passing from room to room every 40 minutes. I just want to get away for a while, forever even.
*receives Dairy Milk from father dearest in consolation for a shitty day*
Nom nom nom.
Parent teacher meetings today. Ah fack. Teachers just dont seem to like me this year. Like, hellooo? Earth to common sense? 5th year is tough stuff, don't expect me to be getting 100%, I'm an average student. I do homework and occaisionally study. Stop pressuring me! Speaking of pressure actually, wait and I tell you loyal-ish readers of my blog about what I found out the other day. I tihnk I know what I want to do with my life. Perhaps something in web design? Or multimedia? Or.. yeah something in that region because lets think seriously, I am not in anyway capeable ofd getting like 500 points. Realistically, like yeah okay 400 perhaps if I study from laike.. forever ago but like, I've an inclination that medicene and me are out the window, it's not a realistic aim considering I'll need like 600 points, uhm, no. So computers or web design and that are like 300-350 points so I could get that. ITT have a good course, tough place to get to though, pehaps DCU? or DIT? WE'll see. I'm really quite interested in that. I was shooting all over the place there for a while thinking music production (420pts in NUIM) but thanks to Mr. Points Calculator on careersportal.ie I can get somewhere around 400-410 points, lovely thinking isnt it? A website is deciding my future. *sigh* Happy days eh?
Fell in love slowly with Owl City, I heard them ages ago through some random dudes bebo page then I asked Stefan who were a good band and he said them so I listened, loved and now everyone's after them thanks to the radio stations across Dublin blasting out Fireflies. I heard someone call it their debut song. Haha. Naive people. No no, Owl City have 2 albums I think. Their a very awesome synthpop type band. Adam Young, le singer, wow. In Love with him.
Okay, school rant over. Been tweeting loads lately. Been sleeping a bit more too. Telling everyone I'm going asleep at like 11/half 11 then listening to my iPod until laike, 12 maybe a bit more, then falling asleep so I'm getting seven hours sleep, I just don't like the get up at half 7 routine. I could get up earlier but I love my bed too much. Didn't sleep too great last night now mind you. Kept waking up, adjusting position, then going back asleep. It happened at least 4 times. Grr. Darn teenage sleeping patterns.
Oh well,
Jeez this post is crapola.
Right-o, i'll edit this post if i want to laterrr after i shtudy.
Hi to Jonny, Stefan, Elise, Diarmuid, Lucy and Efa by the way ^.^
Love you dudes and dudettes. <3
Georgia .x.
Labels: chocolate, Music, School
From the top... || 2:30 PM
Date : Thursday, January 14, 2010
"Cause I've been afraid that you would walk away"
-Beyonce- Broken Hearted Girl
So I've had fucking Timbaland, Flo-Rida and T-Pain stuck in my head all day.
Results are in. Finally. Haven't failed anything, but didn't honour everything. Results weren't honestly too bad, something like this:
English - D1- 53% - pass
Irish - D1 - 54% - pass
Maths - B1- 79% - honour
French - D2 - 47% - pass
Home Ec - C3- 58% - honour
Economics - B3 - 70% - hounour
Chemistry - C3- 55% - honour [just about!]
I was freaking out all day, waiting to get back Chemistry, it was one of the worst, aside from French, but that was impossible and a good chunk of the class actually failed so passing it by 7% is okay I guess. I really have to get it together academically this term and not just work when I feel like it. I mean,going from a B/C average to a C/D average is like, frowned upon, cause like I know myself I'm capeable, but like, teachers and shit need to fuck off telling me that, I know I didn't try completely last term but shut up with the guilt trips, just cause I'm not the fucking class nerd, getting high B's and shit all the time like ughh, I don't care, not at this point in time, come back to me when I have energy to actually care mmk?
Speaking of energy, I really have like, none lately. I'm sleeping, I am. But it's like I'm at that point of having just woken up all day, you know the feeling of, "no no, just 5 more minutes.." *falls back asleep for 10mintues and has to rush to get ready* ughh, fuck. School just feels like such a burden lately. Like, lack of energy, the momentary 40minute shuffle from room to room is just such a chore when you've got books, folders, and a heavy bag, it's made worse when all you wanna do is go to the next classroom and some fucking little first year insists on having a chat with her "BFFFFL" beside the lockers, ughh, just fucking move! No one cares. I'm sure the little shit piece of info isn't life changing in the break of about 2 classes. For fuck sake. Honestly, sometimes people just get sooo annoying!!
Downhill gig on Saturday with the lovely Ms Efa O'Brien. Cannot fucking wait, had my tickets since before Christmas with prompting from the lovely Conor Walsh from the band. If he ever gets linked to this, Conor you rock xD haha. I can't wait, rock outt, and I have to get shit in Easons like a copy of The Kite Runner and..uhh..Something else that I'll remember later. I really should go down and record Celebrity Big Brother, I missed it last night so I'll probably be lost now. Damn reality TV, I caught the end of it, so I know they've failed their shopping challenge. That task was funny. Lol.
So because I couldn't sleep for a while last night I began thinking about things lately, and not so lately, not-so-lately meaning when I just completely shut myself off a few months ago, it feels like I only did it last week or something, but I honestly can't even remember how I felt at that time. It was numbing. I don't know what triggered me feeling like that, I just shut down, closed myself off from people, was very much reserved for that while and when I did start to come out of it, I remember being like halfway there and thinking "was it better when I shut people off or when I had people by my side no matter what?" I won't apologise for what I did because it's a bit late now. It's in the past and I've moved on, I'm myself again. It was a mistake and I've learned from it. People go through phases, that was one of many of mine.
It's still bloody freezing out so I literally grabbed the first pair of gloves I saw this morning whilst heading out to go wait on my bus. They had been sitting in the gap between bars of the rad and I put them on and it was like that feeling of putting on warm socks when your toes are nearly numb or when your really cold and drink a hot cup of tea, I was like "Ahhh now there's something I need every morning." So, my morning started well. Sporting of course the uniform, shirt and tie done cause I'm sick of being given out to for it, navy school coat, and red and black check scarf. No different than any other morning except for my mams red gloves I'd taken off the rad.
Texting with gloves is impossible btw.
See that pic up there? *scrolls up, sees, scrolls back down* isn't it cool? I love it. I have this lil thing for butterflies, I don't know what it is though. Could be their colours, how they're so free, how they can fly anywhere, they're so delicate and pretty and elegant. I dunno, I just have a lil thing for them. They're just so... I dunno, freee.
Knuckles are killing me today. -_-
Feels like there's a giant knife stuck in all of them. Especially my baby fingers or my ring fingers. Ughh. Paracetomal doesn't work on them either.
Pretty average post. Not too happy with it. =/
Click the twitter link in the top left where the info about me is to follow me.
I'm gonna go. Maybe make some tea.
I'm running out of things to say anyway.
Labels: butterflies, Downhill, School
From the top... || 10:29 PM
Date : Tuesday, January 12, 2010
"I know I can count on you..."
-Florence and the Machine - You've got the love
Well, look at this, me going all new skin, again. I fucked up the last one and havent been on the computer much to be bothered to sort it out. Ah well. I like this one. No too crazy about the small default font though. I'll just change it when I post I suppose. Can't have it all right?
So yesterday was the first day I had been out properly, since the big freeze took its hold on the country. Jesus. So much panic over it. Thankfully it's over now.Not so thankfully we've got school tomorrow. When the freeze was at it's peak, it took up the whole SixOne news, I watched it on Friday evening, when the Minister for Education ordered that all schools be closed till Thursday. The updates flooding all over Facebook lik literally 2 minutes after that were incredible. Mainly just "OMJ ["j" for jonas -_-] no skwll til thursday whoop whoop bayubb" Haha. Funny. I felt like just going on and updating my staus saying something like "We do have school, the minister was high" just to freak everyone out. But I didn't. Fail. So, I spent my days, basically stuck in my house cause the snow was too slippy to drive on and parentals were only going out for needed things, and apparently, me seeing my friends isn't one of them. So, after Mr. Weather decided to unexpectidley change the temperature of the outside world, like I would know I had been cooped up getting cabin fever for nearly 2 full weeks, the snow began to melt. Rapidly. I went to sleep the night before last, snow blanketing the entire garden outside my window, woke up the yesterday, at least 2 inches down. It was so weird. Then last night I went to sleep, the snow was turned icy and patchy, woke up and its practically gone this morning. Amazing what a few degrees above freezing point can do to nearly a foot of snow isn't it?
So yesterday, as I said, I headed to town with a few peeps, we hung out, got some food as you normally do, then went to the lovely Coneworld to see Daybreakers, which admitidly I had heard nothing about, it's about vampires, but not like the Twilight shite. I hate Twilight, so I feel I can say its fucking shit, alod of fucking shit, if i want to and I do, I've said it. Shut up. Daybreakers is possibly the scariest film I've had to endure in my entire life. Go see it if you like blood and your basic human canibalism and by that I mean blood starved vampires lurking for Human blood as the country of America runs dry. I was scared for my life throughout the whole thing. Screaming at that fucking bat at the start and end. Screaming at every scary, half decayed vampire face that came on screen. Efa dear then decided to scare me more and say "imagine this in 3-D." Thanks Efa, I'll never be able to erase the image of blood coming at me through a cinema screen. After that we wandered about, going from cool shop to cool shop, I have found possibly thee coolest shop ever, Lucy's Lounge in Temple Bar. So cool, cheap and cheerful stuff. We went downstairs to the "bargain basement" if you will, totally loving it. All accessories are handmade. So Efa and Sionnán are going to make stuff for. Excited for them? Yes.
School tomorrow. Not looking forward to it. Fuck off. Ughh. I shouldn't really say that about school but I just hate it so much. The monoteny, and just how every day just drags out immencly. It kills. Like, educationally yeah its great but take away the education side of it and its just a building filled with bitchy girls who make smart remarks every time someone they know/don't know walks by. Grow up. Your pathetic. Mmk? Thanks.
Just realised this font is rather large and I haven't written as much as I thought. Total fail. Grr. They're glass shards btw in that picture. Thank you to Google for gerating oddly awesome images everytime I type in something weird.
Having such a lazy day today, lounging in my cantos and Boyzone tshirt.
Yeah I do ♥ Boyzone. Haha. Joke made.
Feeling tired and light headed today. Hmm, don't know why. Cause I went to sleep at like 1 last night/this morning. Ah well. Lets hope it passes eh?
Kind of want some tea rihgt now, there's no gold blend tea downstairs, the kenyan blend doesn't taste the same. Mom said it's lonely. I disagree.
Still wanting a job, I need cash loiike okayy? *d4 accent*.
It's all windy and yuck outside. Just want to get back into bed, but then I won't sleep tonight, and how on earth will I ever live in school if I haven't gotten a full 8 hours [italics indicate extreme sarcasm]
Mom made me wake up at like 12:30 today, I went into her and she asked me why I sleep so much, my reply was simply "I'm a teenager, it's what we do. We like to sleep" I wasn't trying to be cheeky, just honest. I do love sleeping, so when I'm on holidays, please don't anyone ever wake me. Thats why I take my phone off vibrate, anyone who texts me when I'm asleep, I won't reply until I wake up myself. I hate vibrate on phones. Ugh. Lol.
I think I'll go now.
This post is rather uninteresting and I'm running out of things to say.
Twitter link is in the box entitled with my name.
That picture isn't me for any first time readers. I wish it was. Damn that girl and her pretty-ness. I can't figure out how to change it though. HTML codes confuse me slightly, but they're manageable.
Georgia .x.
Labels: snow, town
From the top... || 5:09 PM

From the every so classy shithole known as Celbridge.
5th Year.
Class Rose.
Totally love my friends.
Enjoy the blog.
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